who we are.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

      Cyberpax Co., Ltd. is committed to operating business under good governance and ethical principles, along with environmental and social responsibility. Social Responsibility Stakeholders are involved both inside and outside the organization. From the shareholders, employees, customers, the community as well as society. This will lead to sustainable business development. For Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) The Company believes that strong communities and sustainable development are It is important as a conducive to business operations in the area of Bang Pakong. Chachoengsao The location of the company is the home of the company. Because the company is part of this community and society. In addition, the company aims to create products that are beneficial to the business and must be environmentally friendly. And a good citizen of the world. That is a business that is environmentally friendly. Therefore, the Company has a CSR policy as follows:


Community and Society

1. The Company will support volunteer activities related to community and social development.

2. The company will maintain a good environment in the community and society.

3. The Company will support and participate in public service activities.



1. The Company will create and produce non-toxic products to the world.

2. The company will change the production process to minimize the impact on the environment.

3. The Company will promote the recycling of used materials.

4. The company will share environmental information and support activities that are beneficial to the environment.

5. The Company will continuously improve its environmental management system.


Projects and activities

1. Project for children and the elderly.

2. Project for people with disabilities

3. Buddhist Activities And charities.

4. Environmental conservation activities